Comfort bible verses about grief are God’s given temporary solution to griefs and sorrows that you may experience here on earth.
As long as we are still living on the surface of the earth, we cannot avoid sorrow, anxiety, troubles, and grief.
They are part of the consequences of the sin committed by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, of which we are also partakers.
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Though you can pray off evil, and trust God to keep you from them, yet sometimes you will experience them, the way Job did in the Bible (Job 1:6-22).

This is the reason why you should know these comfort bible verses about grief, and use them to always overcome inevitable grief whenever they come.
Some Evils Are Inevitable
One thing you must understand is that some evils or difficult times are necessary for you to pass through if you must achieve God’s purpose for your life.
When Joseph was sold into slavery, his brothers taught they are doing it to prevent his dreams from coming to pass(Genesis 37;18-36).
They did not know that they were actually helping him to actualize the dream.
For Joseph, it was an unexpected evil, and much more when he ended in prison.
Without all these experiences, Joseph’s dreams would have remained unfulfilled, and he would have died unnoticed.
The secret of Joseph’s success is his dependence on God, and his holding to God’s promises.

These comfort bible verses about grief will teach you how to depend on God in times of sorrow.
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Comfort Bible Verses About Grief (What The Bible Says About Sorrow And Grief)
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 (esv).
From the beginning, God never ordained sorrow, grief, or death for man.
They entered into the world through sin, hence God is not happy when we suffer.
Sometimes when you experience any of these, it appears as if God is far from you, as if you are the only one going through such.
The word of God is giving assurance here that he is close to the brokenhearted, and to those whose spirits have been crushed by grief.

He is not just close to you to console you as others would do, he can actually deliver you out of your troubles.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4 (esv).
In this world, you may experience weeping and pains but be rest assured that everything ends here if you are a child of God.
In the kingdom of heaven, the eternal home of those who have been washed in the blood of Jesus, there is no pain, no sorrow, no death.
For those who are mourning, God will wipe away their tears, a sign of everlasting joy, and unending peace.
This verse is telling us to endure whatever pain we are experiencing on earth, because they are temporary, and they will give way for eternal joy, and abundant life thereafter.
Always remember the joy that is awaiting you in the kingdom of God.
Let that give you the consolation that you are not a loser, and that you have a lot to gain after leaving this world.
Whatever suffering you have to endure now in order to inherit that eternal glory is worth it.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (esv).
God is the best comforter. One of the responsibilities of the Holy Spirit is to comfort us in our afflictions.
The comfort of the Holy Spirit is different from that of man, or that of material things which do not last.
This was the source of strength for the disciples after the departure of Jesus, and the early church in the book of Acts of the Apostles.
You can receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit too if he is dwelling in you.
Ask God in prayer to help you, and rely on him to strengthen you.
Remember also that the comfort that we receive from God is meant for uplifting the faith of others.
Freely have you received, and freely you must give (Matthew 10:5-8).
It is in getting others restored that your own prosperity will be perfected. If you are a channel of blessings to others, God will ensure that your own source of comfort will not run dry.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3 (esv).
The brokenhearted are those who have been crushed by sorrows.
For such, the Lord God is the one they need for their restoration.
A good example that fits into this is the widow of Nain in Luke 7:11-17.
The loss of her son made her lose all hope, and reason for living.
Just at the point of leaving the city gate to the location where the boy was to be buried, Jesus met them.
When he saw the situation and the sorrow of the woman, he was compassionate to her, and he moved near the bier and touched it, bringing the boy back to life.
What was once a sorrowful procession became a happy throng.
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For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 (esv).
There is time and season for all things on earth, whether good or bad.
Just as you were given birth to at a particular date, also you will die at a particular date.

Many people prefer to live in denial of these comfort bible verses about grief.
They expect life to only bring the good to them without the evil, and so they fail to prepare their minds for the inevitable realities of life.
Jesus said in John 16:33, that in this world we shall have tribulations, but that we should be of good share for he had overcome the world for us.
It is when you are invoking the victory of Christ upon your unpleasant situations that you can expect to have victories.
Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 (esv).
Learn how to put your burdens upon Jesus Christ.
The reason is that he is the burden bearer, he has the capacity to take care of any burden no matter how heavy it may be.
If he could put the sin of the whole world upon Himself on the cross of Calvary (John 1:29), and take them away into everlasting judgment, then you should believe that he can take care of your own burden.
Jesus will not force himself upon you, or come to you uninvited.
You must cry to him for help. You must cast your burden on him before you can enjoy his abundant mercy.
He gave an invitation in Matthew 11;28. He said, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest.”
There is peace with Jesus, from all griefs, sorrows, and all hardship, only if you cry to him for help.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4 (esv).
God is promising those who are mourning comfort.
Understand that this mourning has to do with the spiritual state of your heart.
God expects us to mourn for our sins, he wants to see remorse, and sorrow for those acts of disobedience we have been doing.
A broken heart and a contrite spirit God will not despise. Whenever and wherever he sees that he will come with comfort for the mournful soul.
If you discover that your problem is sin-related, you can get delivered through this verse.
Comfort bible verses about grief can address the issue of sin, and help you to deal with it from the root so that you can be totally free from it.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26 (esv).
Many people only have hope in the material world. Take that away from them and they are no more.
This is the reason why many can go to any length, or adopt any means to protect their lives.
Many who does not have the hope of eternal life in God pray for death too whenever they lose any loved one.
For those who belong to Christ, their hope is beyond this world.
What happens to your body does not matter, as long as your soul has been saved.
The Bible says you should not fear the one that can kill the body and cannot do anything further (Matthew 10:28).
Your body comes from the earth and will return back after you died, but your soul will be judged to determine your final place of abode.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4 (esv).
This is a strong assurance from God revealed unto David who wrote this Psalm.
The presence of God is with those who trust in him in all situations, including in the shadow of death.
The valley of the shadow of death is a place where nobody can go with you, not even your spouse, children, or possessions.
You only will be there, but like in other comfort Bible verses about grief, God is saying, though no one would volunteer to die with you, he will go all the way with you.
Jesus has even done more than this, by his death on the cross of Calvary.
The death of Jesus is substitutionary. He died in our place to take our sins to judgment.
If he can do that for you, then know that there is nothing that he cannot do to save you, or deliver you from the evils of this world.
God is with you in your present situation, or in any difficult situation, you may find yourself in.
As long as you have not dip your hands into sin, you will continue to enjoy the presence of God, and if God is for you, who can be against you.
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.
1 Thessalonians 4:13 (esv).
Death is not the end of a Christian, it is the beginning of another life. A new and more glorious life, totally incomparable to what we have here on earth.
This should be our consolation and joy because when a child of God dies he or she is free from all the evils, temptations, and troubles of this world.
Since our hope is not only in this present world, the departure of our loved ones who died in the Lord should make us be joyful and full of hope.
If there should be weeping at all, it should be for the living and not for the dead.
As a matter of fact, you should weep for yourself because you are still subject to temptations, tribulations, and all other challenges of this world, and you don’t know yet how you will end your own life.
Death is just a means of translation into eternal glory for children of God, that is why the bible calls it to sleep.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27 (esv).
Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), hence he has the power to give peace to whoever he wants.
When you are troubled, or you find yourself being challenged, the first thing that you will lose is your peace.
That alone can make you to get tired of living altogether.
Many people who ended up committing suicide did so because they lost their peace, and they cannot fathom how to get it back.

Anyone who has Jesus has peace because this is the number one thing that he will bring to your heart. The Bible calls it ‘peace that surpasses human understanding.’
Do you know that you can still enjoy this type of peace even in the midst of troubles where others are running helter-skelter?
Jesus showed us this when he was traveling in a boat with his disciples, and a storm arose (Matthew 8:24-27).
In spite of the terrible storm, he was able to sleep soundly in the hinder part of the boat.
When his disciples woke him up after all their efforts to prevent the boat from sinking failed, Jesus was surprised that they have to disturb his sleep because of an ordinary storm.
It was the turn of the disciples to be surprised when he later commanded the storm to calm down, and it obeyed.
Know that Jesus can calm the storm of your life if you called on him as the disciples did.
Jesus wept.
John 11:35 (esv).
The shortest of all comfort Bible verses about grief, and indeed the shortest in the bible, but perhaps the most interesting of them all.
Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus after he had died for four days, and he was already decaying.
Jesus did not cry because he could not help the situation. As we all know, he later called Lazarus back to life, and the dead man obeyed.
He cried because he wanted to identify with the sorrow of the people.
He was sorrowful because the people at the tomb were sorrowful, and because they lack faith in him.
The latter of these two points gave Jesus more concern and triggered the weeping that was recorded in the Bible.
Jesus is weeping when you are weeping because of the situation you are going through, and when you are not having faith in him to help you out of the situation.
Why should you make Jesus sad, when you can make him happy like the Centurion who told him in Luke 8:5-13, that he should just speak the word only, and his servant shall be healed.
Jesus himself confessed that he has never seen such great faith in the whole of Israel.
That is what he wants from you.
Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
John 14:1 (esv).
Whatever is happening to you, whatever you are going through, Jesus is saying don’t let your heart be troubled.
A troubled heart cannot trust in God, and cannot be calmed to think and receive from God.
He said you should believe in him instead.
You can believe in the one who walked upon the sea, raised the dead, healed all manner of diseases and sicknesses, cast out demons, challenged the devil and won, and singlehandedly took away the sins of the whole world.
Your own situation is too small to give him concern, and much more, with him, there is no impossibility.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 (esv).
If you love God, and you are called according to his purpose, that is, if you have given your life to Christ, then whatever is happening to you now is for your upliftment.
God is in total control of everything happening in our universe, and he can use anything to achieve his purpose.
He can even use your enemies to help you. To them, they are doing evil against you, but in actual fact, they are helping you to fulfill your destiny.
The devil taught he would end everything about Jesus by making the Jews arrest him and nail him to the cross.
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By the time he realized what was happening, Jesus was already hanging on the cross with the sins of humanity.
It was too late for him to do anything to hinder him.
Never see any unpleasant situation as against you, but see it as what God will use to achieve his purpose in your life.
That is why the bible says you should rejoice forevermore (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28), because whatever is the situation, you will still end up a winner.
Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.
Isaiah 53:4 (esv).
Jesus took our griefs upon himself since it is the direct consequence of sin.
Not only did he take them, he judged, and condemned them, meaning they do not have the power, not the legal ground to force us to obey them again.
Whatever Jesus had carried on the cross, by God’s ordination, you are not to carry them again.
If you believe that Jesus saved you from sin and that you are no more a sinner by his righteous act on the cross, then you should believe this also.
Reject every form of sorrow, and grief, and claim the peace and the good life that Christ died for. It is your portion.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:18 (esv).
Though you might need to experience troubles and pains here on earth, they are nothing compared to the glory that is awaiting you in heaven.
Just a moment in heaven would make you forget all your years of toiling and suffering on earth.
The only person who will go through this world’s tribulations and still suffer in eternity is the one who does not have Jesus, or who decided to quit following Jesus because of challenges.
The story of Lazarus and the rich man in the bible will teach anyone who cares to listen to what the Spirit is saying, that everything does not end on this earth.
That is, it is only those who have lived their lives in obedience to God’s words that will end well.
Many people have been martyred for the sake of the gospel, and the kingdom of God.
Some of them have good opportunities to escape or deny Christ and be free but chose to die because life does not carry any meaning when you take Christ out of it.
The glory they saw ahead compelled them to remain steadfast in their faith, even to the point of death.
Has any of these comfort Bible verses about grief ministered to you?
Remember that they are words of God and not that of man, they can’t fail but rather they have the power to effect changes that God desires for your life.